
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Psychology Is The Study Of The Mind And Behavior - 1389 Words

Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour. Since Psychology first emerged there has been ,many differing schools of Psychology each with different theories in which to understand human behaviour. In this essay I will explain the four major schools of psychology including psychoanalysis, behaviourism, biological and cognitive, and the major influences behind each such as Freud. Psychoanalysis is a school of thought first developed by Sigmeund Freud(1856-1939) one of the most influential psychologists to date. Although Psychoanalysis has been developed over years since Freud’s death mainly by Erik Erikson, there are still key elements which remain the same. Freud’s approach to the human mind mainly focused on the unconscious†¦show more content†¦The id develops as a newborn baby and is driven by the libido and aggression, linked to psycho sexual development. The id is unconscious it is not driven by morality or logic and therefore must be satisfied immediately . The id receives gratification based purely on pleasure with no thought for consequences. The ego; is learned at a later stage around four years old. The ego brings more reasoning to our behaviour. The ego still intends to satisfy the ids needs however without consequences. The ego looks more at societies â€Å"norms† and influences from others in . â€Å"like a ma n on horseback, who has to hold in check the superior strength of the horse (S. Freud,The ego and the id, SE, 1923, p.15). The ego therefore is trying to control the powerful id. The superego; is the last part of our behaviour to develop. The superego attempts to suppress the desires of the id, the superego focuses primarily on perfect ideals of morality instead of realism in dealing with desires and aggressions. Psychoanalytic therapy looks at the unconscious mind and how repressed memories and thoughts can become present in behaviour. In psychotherapy people mainly talk to a psychotherapist or psychologist however music or other arts can be used. Psychotherapy can be used to treat depressions, drug abuse, anxiety disorders and many others. There are many strengths and weaknesses in psychoanalysis some key strengths in psychoanalysis are that Freud brought

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